Social indicators on people with intellectual disabilities: intersectional essay with a view to education policies


  • Ingrid Anelise Lopes Universidade de São Paulo
  • Rosângela Gavioli Prieto Universidade de São Paulo
  • Roseli Kubo Gonzalez Centro Universitário Senac



Intellectual disability, Social indicators, Intersectionality


With the aim of analyzing intersections between social indicators related to people classified in the intellectual disability (ID) category in Brazil and their implications for educational policies, in this article we present the characterization of this population based on the extraction of data from the 2010 Demographic Census, applying the recommendations of the Washington Group for defining the number of people with disabilities in the country. From the analysis of an intersectional perspective, it is concluded that, compared to the other categories of disability, ID is the one that suffers the most disadvantages in the indicators of access to work (occupation), monthly nominal income and literacy. In addition, the results regarding the gender category show this as an axis of subordination, since the female has less access to social rights addressed in this study. Regarding the racial identification of people with ID in the country, this seems to influence the classification of individuals in this category of disability, since it is mostly composed of black men. However, the data did not allow us to articulate the race axis with the others, indicating the emerging need to produce and disseminate information that allows analysis and understanding of how different subordination axes affect the lives of people with ID in Brazil and what they indicate for implementation of educational policies, as a vector in the confrontation of inequalities that uniquely mark the situation of people with ID when compared to the general population and also to other categories of disability.


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Percentual de cada tipo de deficiência entre as pessoas categorizadas em uma dessas condições – Brasil – 2010






How to Cite

Social indicators on people with intellectual disabilities: intersectional essay with a view to education policies. (2021). Educação E Pesquisa, 47, e232273.