The school on the move for the promotion of reading competence: a theoretical review


  • Heike Schmitz Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Julian Tejada Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Danilo Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe



Learning, Reading competence, Teaching, Physically active classes, Movement


The current article addresses the promotion of reading at school. There is previous evidence and several theoretical arguments in favor of the integration of physical movement in the teaching-learning process. The question is raised as to whether this integration is plausible, specifically for learning to read, and how it could occur. Through a literature review, considering predominantly German studies, the objective is to identify the arguments related to the process of reading and literacy. The arguments are discussed in the light of the Text Processing Model by Walter Kintsch and Teun van Dijk and Heinz Heckhausen’s Rubicon theory. Arguments are presented regarding cognitive reading processes, volition, and motivation, which support the assumption that the acquisition of reading competence gains important stimuli through the offer of classes on the move. It seems plausible that the insertion of movement acts on the goals that the reader wants to achieve through reading. Body self-esteem seems to have a positive impact on volition through reading and an influence on the reader’s self-concept. Some teaching and learning activities are put forward for physically active reading classes in terms of literacy, found in the specific literature. Differentiation is made between teaching and learning activities on the move, which accompany and facilitate learning.


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How to Cite

The school on the move for the promotion of reading competence: a theoretical review. (2022). Educação E Pesquisa, 48(contínuo), e242455.