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Author Guidelines

Online submissions:

 The journal receives original articles, book reviews, and interviews written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian or English.

To submit a paper, authors (at most 4 authors per paper) must be registered on the journal’s website. To register, create a login name and a password by clicking ACESSO (Access) on the journal’s website. After logging in, fill in the profile by clicking EDITAR PERFIL (Profile Editing) and start the submission process by clicking AUTOR (Author) and then CLIQUE AQUI PARA INICIAR O PROCESSO DE SUBMISSÃO (Click here to start the submission process). Follow the five-step submission process below:


1- Confirm the agreement to the Journal Policies (Condições de submissão) and the Copyright Terms (Declaração de Direito Autoral) by checking the appropriate boxes. Select either Artigo (Article) or Resenha (Book Review). Save the form and go to step 2.

2- Enter metadata: first name, last name, email, bio statement, and article title are obligatory. Save the form and go to step 3.

3- Upload the article file. Go to step 4.

4- If necessary, upload the supplementary files such as appendices with research tools, data sets and tables, which should conform to the ethical standards of assessment, sources of information usually unavailable to readers, and pictures or tables that cannot be inserted into the text itself. Go to step 5.

5- Confirm the submission.

After confirming the submission, authors will receive a confirmation e-mail from the journal editors. After submission, authors can follow up the process, from submission and acceptance, through assessment and final version preparation request, to online publication.

All manuscripts are read by two anonymous referees. The journal’s Editorial Board and Editors are responsible for the policy of paper selection, which is available at the link Sobre a Revista > Processo de Avaliação por Pares (About the Journal > Peer Review Process).



Preparation of manuscripts:

- Paper outline

Authors should ensure that their electronic copy is compatible with MS Word or LibreOffice or LaTeX. Articles length should be 10 to 20 pages, with the possibility of up to 5 additional pages for appendices. Book Reviews should be 5 to 10 pages.


1. Page configuration: The page size should be set to A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) . Leave 2,5 cm from the top and bottom of the page, and 3.0 cm on the right and left margins.

2. Font type: use Times New Roman fonts, 12-point size.

3.Spacing: Use single line spacing between lines and paragraphs and do not number the pages in the manuscript.

4. Indentation: First-line of paragraphs should be 1.27 indented (one “TAB”).

5. Tables, Figures (drawings, graphs, photographs etc.) and appendices should be ready for printing, following the general pattern of the text and on the space in the text designated by the author. Should appendices consist of already published texts, full bibliography and the rights for publication must be included.


First page

6. Title, Author Name, Abstract

The text should be presented in the following sequence: title of the article (in chosen language), name (s) of the author (s), abstract, the title of the article in a foreign language (English), abstract, keywords, Article body, references and, if appropriate, appendices.


6.1. TITLE: only the first letter must be capitalized; boldface and centered on the page;

6.2. AUTHOR(S): the full name of the author(s), on the second line below the title in Portuguese and left aligned. After the name of the author(s), place an asterisk (*), indicating a footnote in which information on the institutional affiliation of the author(s) is given.

 Footnotes should follow the models below.

For students: “* Student at the Graduate Program in X from University Y’s Acronym – Name of the University Y. Email: Z”. Depending on each case, “Student at the Graduate Program” may be replaced by “Student at the Master’s Degree Program,” “Student at the Doctorate Program,” “Post-Doctorate student.”


* Student at the Graduate Program in Linguistics and Portuguese Language from UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista. Email:

For professors and researchers: “* Professor at University Y’s Acronym – Name of the University Y. Email: Z”.


* Professor at UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista. Email: professor@


 6.3. ABSTRACT: The word Abstract, only with the first letter capitalized (uppercase), followed by a colon, on the third line below the author's name, on the left, without indentation. On the same line, start the abstract text, between 200 and 300 words.

6.4 KEYWORDS: The word Keywords, with only the first letter in uppercase, followed by a colon, in the second line below the abstract and two lines above the beginning of the text. Use minimum 3 and up to 5 keywords, separated by semicolons.

+ N. B.: Abstracts in a foreign language can be written in Spanish, French, Italian.


 Article Body

Sections and Subsections, Notes

6.5 Sections and subsections: without indentation, numbered in Arabic numerals (eg: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background etc.). Only the first letter of each section should be uppercase.

6.6 Notes: The notes should be inserted at the foot of the page, in Arabic numerals.



6.7 References: the expression REFERENCES in UPPERCASE letters, without insertion, in the second line after the end of the text (before the annexes if any). The first entry should come in the second line below the expression REFERENCES.

References should be cited in alphabetical order, without numbering, with no space between them. If there is more than one work by the same author, re-enter the author's name. If there is more than one work by the same author in the same year, distinguish them using a letter - a, b, c ... - immediately after the date. Example:

ZILBERBERG, Claude. Des formes de vie aux valeurs. Paris : PUF, 2011a.
ZILBERBERG, Claude. Elementos de Semiótica Tensiva. Tradução de I. C. Lopes, L. Tatit e W. Beividas. São Paulo : Ateliê Editorial, 2011b.

+ Attention
Do not abbreviate the author's name.

 6.8 Appendix: the expression APPENDIX in capital letters, without indentation, in the second line after the end of references. The first entry should come in the second line below the expression APPENDIX. Transcription figures and tables should be numbered, and subtitles should be placed just below the figure or table, with centered alignment.

 + Attention
Appendices should have a maximum length of three pages.


Use of typographic resources as a means of enhancement


7. Italics, bold type and “quotation marks”

7.1. Italics should be used for words in a foreign language and for the title of works cited in the body of the paper.

7.2. Bold type: The journal recommends avoiding the bold type.

7.3.Quotation marks: They should be used in the body of the text to quote parts of works and should not be used for the titles of papers, songs, chapters and must appear without emphasis.

Ex.: In the first chapter of Cognitive Linguistics: an introduction, the author says “There is a long tradition in linguistics encapsulating the belief that the role of language is to map elements of the external world onto linguistic form” (Lee, 2001, p. 2).



Indirect quotations

8. Indirect quotations, in-text and in-text with more than three lines

(All quotations from foreign texts should be translated into the chosen language of the paper. Use existing translations whenever possible.)

 8.1 For indirect quotations, that is, those in which the writer uses his own words to quote others, one must insert the author's surname (only the first letter of the surname in capital letters - for example, Bertrand) and the date (For example, 2003), followed by the page (p. and page number - for example, p. 155) to which the cited section corresponds. In this case, only the date and page number must be enclosed in parentheses. Example:

According to Perron and Fabbri (1993, p. ix), “passion is paradoxically a phenomenon in which the object, in becoming a value for the subject, imposes itself on the subject”.


In-text citations

 8.2. For in-text citations, the cited quotation must be enclosed in quotation marks, followed by the surname of the author (only the first letter in capital letters) and the date identifying the edition of the work cited, and the page to which the cited quotation corresponds. In this case, author's surname, date and page number must be separated by commas and in parentheses. When the mentioned passage is small, with less than three lines, it must be placed in the body of the text. Example: “For Lévi-Strauss, 'wild thought' [pensée sauvage] is not the only kind that makes use of bricolage; scientific thought is also the work of the bricoleur” (Floch, 2000, p. 4).

In case there are two authors, both names must be mentioned. Example:

Someone could then conclude that “contemporary semiotics is still in its youth and has to be developed into an academic discipline” (Kull; Velmezova, 2014, p. 547).


In-text citation with more than three lines

8.3 For in-text quotation with more than three lines, submit the whole cited passage to a retreat equivalent to one touch of the TAB key, without indentation at the beginning of the paragraph. DO NOT use quotation marks in the quotation. Insert, at the end of the passage quoted, IN PARENTHESES: the surname of the author (only the first letter in capital letters), the date of the work to which the cited passage belongs, and the number of the page in which the cited passage is located:

We have proposed that language, as a design feature of its construction, has two subsystems with complementary functions. The open-class, or lexical, subsystem represents conceptual content, while the closed-class, or grammatical, subsystem represents conceptual structure. We now further treat the fact that these two complementary functions appear in two venues: in any specific portion of discourse, such as a sentence, and within the language system generally or within any particular language (Talmy, 2000, p. 32-33).

+ For citation with more than three authors, indicate the first author followed by the expression et al. and date, in parentheses. Ex: (França et al., 2007, p. 205).


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise it should be explained in "Comments to the Editor"

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), LibreOffice (.odt, .rtf) or LaTeX (.tex) format.

  • URLs for the references were informed when available.

  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.

Privacy Statement

This journal provides immediate-upon- publication open access to its full content. Users are allowed to read, download, save, reproduce and transmit journal content for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes, provided they credit the authors and the original Estudos Semióticos source. We do not restrict access to our publications, do not have paid subscribers, and do not charge our authors to publish their articles / their book reviews.