Subjective implications of the relationship mother-child in the presentment of childhood obesity


  • Fabiana Azeredo de Oliveira Universidade de Fortaleza; Laboratório de Estudos e Intervenções Psicanalíticas na Clínica e no Social
  • Karla Patricia Holanda Martins Universidade Federal do Ceará



childhood obesity, psychoanalysis, mother-child relationship


The present study arouse from an interest to understand the mother-child relationship in childhood obesity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reveals that the disease offer s big challenges to the health programs. Considering that the child's relation towards food is usually mediated by the mother, we intend to investigate, under a psychoanalytic perspective, the implications of such relationship in childhood obesity. In addition to the bibliographic research, we also listened to four mothers of obese children between 7 and 11 years old. We managed to conclude that childhood obesity can be considered a child's symptom in response to the subjective position of the mother.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. A. de, & Martins, K. P. H. (2012). Subjective implications of the relationship mother-child in the presentment of childhood obesity. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 17(1), 122-135.