Online editorial curation: the cases of Boardilla and Magazzino


  • Anderson pereira silva dos santos Universidade Federal da Bahia



Curatorship, Magazine, Online, Digital, Art, Painting


This article addresses the experience of editorial curation in the online art magazines Boardilla and Magazzino. By bringing this experience, I intend to enrich the discussion on the role of curator, showing their work beyond the white cube of the showroom and emphasizing the etymological character of the word curator: to take care, or to show better. At the same time, by mentioning Magazzino magazine, which dedicates itself exclusively to digital art and especially to digital painting, I connect this article to my research on digital art and its reverberations in traditional painting.


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Author Biography

  • Anderson pereira silva dos santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Escola de Belas Artes


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How to Cite

santos, A. pereira silva dos. (2018). Online editorial curation: the cases of Boardilla and Magazzino. Revista Extraprensa, 12(1), 82-97.