Socialidad, jóvenes y músicas de la diáspora: exploración de lo sensible a través del mapa de las mediaciones.


  • Gober Mauricio Gómez Llanos Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais



Young people, Mediations, Music, Colombia


The main of this article is explore young black migrants sensibility´s toward music and their empathy with technology resources, in their communication practices and sociality forms of the black migrants young from de pacific coast who are based in Cali, Colombia. The relationship between young people, music and technological resources, in an experience that through their lives and help them in their construction as diaspora subjects. This analysis takes Jesús Martín Barbero´s reflections about "map of mediations", also review a Stuart Hall perspective, linked the diaspora concept with object study to highlight the music as central element, in the production of meaning created in the everyday relationships of young black people.


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Author Biography

  • Gober Mauricio Gómez Llanos, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
    Comunicador social, Universidad del Valle - Colombia. Estudiante de maestría Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais - Brasil. Bolsista CNPq




How to Cite

Gómez Llanos, G. M. (2013). Socialidad, jóvenes y músicas de la diáspora: exploración de lo sensible a través del mapa de las mediaciones. Revista Extraprensa, 7(1), 9-23.