Kierkegaard antimodern, or towards an alternative typology for the kierkegaardian sociopolitical position


  • Gabriel Guedes Rossatti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Kierkegaard, modernity, antimoderns, moralists, democracy


Kierkegaard, notwithstanding his reputation as a major nineteenth century thinker, up to this day suffers in the hands of his interpreters, particularly the ones interested in his sociopolitical thought. Indeed, many of them still seem to cling to the view according to which he would have been a conservative, if not a downright reactionary writer. In this sense, taking as a cue the label “antimodern” as developed by Compagnon, I intend to both discern different topoi in his production, as well as more fundamentally propose a different label for his sociopolitical position, viz, antimodern


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How to Cite

Kierkegaard antimodern, or towards an alternative typology for the kierkegaardian sociopolitical position. (2015). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 20(1), 163-178.