The hermeneutic role of the concept of totality in Theodor W. Adorno


  • Gabriel Petrechen Kugnharski Universidade de São Paulo



Theodor Adorno, Critical theory, Totality, Negative dialectics


The article presents an interpretation about the function of the concept of totality in the model of dialectics developed by Theodor W. Adorno in the 1960s, especially in the Negative Dialectics, 1966. In addition to this work, other texts from the same period are also examined, such as Hegel: Three Studies and Late Capitalism or Industrial Society. It also undertakes a survey of the main positions of the literature on this issue. The aim is to claim that, although critical of the concept of totality, Adorno retains this concept in order to counteract the dominant philosophical currents of his time, especially logical positivism.


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How to Cite

The hermeneutic role of the concept of totality in Theodor W. Adorno. (2019). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 24(1), 67-81.