The Question on the Essence of Science in Martin Heidegger

Philosophy of Science or Ontology?


  • Maria Eugênia Zabotto Pulino Universidade de Brasília



Existence, Heidegger, Philosophy of Science, Science, Transcendence


This article aims to discuss the conception of the essence of science developed in Heidegger’s Introduction to Philosophy – lectures delivered in 1928-1929 at the University of Freiburg – in the context of his critique to modern philosophy and of his project of fundamental ontology. Bearing in mind that the Heideggerian analysis of science is inseparable from his investigation on human existence, we will advocate that Heidegger does not develop a philosophy of science, in contrast to what part of Heidegger’s specialists claim.


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How to Cite

The Question on the Essence of Science in Martin Heidegger: Philosophy of Science or Ontology?. (2020). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(1), 53-68.