Bronson Alcott: the impact of Fichte’s idealism in the pedagogical program of an American transcendentalist


  • Monica Carbo Universitat de Girona



Fichte, idealism, trancendentalism, education, Alcott


We forward some conclusions about the eventual influence exerted by the philosophy of Fichte, particularly his ideas on education, on an American transcendentalist. We start by briefly reviewing Fichte’s claims on education and proceed to hint at the major tenets of American transcendentalism as portrayed by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Our interest focuses finally on the pedagogical practice of Amos Bronson Alcott, as well as on its correspondent theoretical principles emerging from the cultural atmosphere early to mid-nineteenth century New England based transcendentalist group of thinkers.


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How to Cite

Bronson Alcott: the impact of Fichte’s idealism in the pedagogical program of an American transcendentalist. (2020). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(2), 33-49.