The social, the political and the needs: Interfaces between Hannah Arendt and Nancy Fraser




needs, modernity, political philosophy, Hannah Arendt, Nancy Fraser


The article aims to identify Nancy Fraser's contributions to rethink and qualify Hannah Arendt's critique of the instrumentalization of the political by the social in modernity – emphasizing the different understandings that the authors propose for needs. Initially identifying that the problem of needs in politics refers to a dilemmatic aspect in Arendt's thought, the text addresses a contrast between Arendt’s and Fraser's theories on the same subject. Finally, it weaves conclusions about the convergences and divergences between the authors, as well as their potentials for criticism of modern politics that can emerge from this interlocution.


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How to Cite

The social, the political and the needs: Interfaces between Hannah Arendt and Nancy Fraser. (2023). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(03), 13-30.