Grammatica philosophica: on the verge of form


  • Clóvis Luiz Alonso Júnior Universidade de São Paulo



Philosophical grammar, Morphosyntax, Metaphor


Far from introducing the validity of the philosophical thought applied to the development of the grammatical thinking, I intend to sketch an introduction to a theory that I have been developing, one that looks at Language as an object with an inescapably philosophical approach. My understanding is that this object is built, in its set of lexical and morphosyntactic formation, by physical-spatial metaphors. These are the outcome of mimetic procedures that Language, (always) in formation, has done and has been doing on the physical space, where metaphors unfold ― as it is inherent to them ― into abstractive chains. I state that the philosophical-grammatical tradition has come close ― and only this ― to the possible truth that I have been trying to assert: this tradition would have been on the verge of what I call semantics of structure, on the verge of form.


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Author Biography

  • Clóvis Luiz Alonso Júnior, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutorando do Programa de Filologia e Língua Portuguesa do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo.



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How to Cite

Grammatica philosophica: on the verge of form. (2018). Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 20(2), 273-291.