Multidisciplinary team perception of physical therapists in emergency rooms in hospital in the inland area of the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul




Health Services, Patient Care Team, Emergency Medical Services


The physical therapist inclusion at urgency and emergency remains an unexplored scenario, even though it has been getting attention and relevance. Thus, this study aims to check multidisciplinary team perception on physical therapist inclusion at the emergency of a hospital. This is a descriptive study with quality-quantitative analysis. The convenience sample was composed of nurse technicians, nurses, physicians, resident physicians, multidisciplinary residents and health science scholars who work at the unit, totaling 41 professionals. A self-applicable questionnaire was used to collect data, with identification information, objective, and subjective questions regarding the topic of this study, which was developed and validated by the authors. The continuous variables were expressed in mean and standard deviation, whereas categorical variables were performed by frequencies. Data obtained in descriptive questions were organized and analyzed with the hermeneutic-dialectical method. After analysis, we observed that more than 85% of the team referred that the physical therapist is considered part of the emergency team, with all of them presenting a good relationship overall. Besides, they recognize the importance of the physical therapist and the positive result of physical therapist in respiratory and motion. Thus, it was verified that the multidisciplinary emergency team understands and recognizes the physical therapist performance as well as the positive aspects that physical therapy brings to the emergency treatment, showing a positive perception of such professionals.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Multidisciplinary team perception of physical therapists in emergency rooms in hospital in the inland area of the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul. (2020). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(2), 147-154.