Older adult fallers and non-fallers: association with social characteristics, economic factors, clinical aspects, physical activity level, and fall risk awareness: a cross-sectional study





Physical activity, Older adult Healt, Accidental Falls, Awareness


| Falls in older adults can negatively affect several biopsychosocial aspects. This study aimed to verify the association of falls with social  characteristics, economic factors, clinical aspects, physical activity level, and fall risk awareness in older adult fallers and non-fallers. The sample consisted of 520 older adult (71.7±7.4 years) of both sexes (83.7% female) who were interviewed regarding their social characteristics, economic factors, clinical aspects, fall history, physical activity level (Minnesota), and fall risk awareness (Falls Risk Awareness  Questionnaire, FRAQ). The MannWhitney and Chi-square tests were used for comparison, and binary and multivariate logistic regression tests were used for association. After data analysis, we identified that older adult fallers presented lower education level, economic class, and fall risk awareness (FRAQ). Education level (OR:
1.35 to 1.28), economic class (OR: 1.62), and FRAQ (OR: 1.46) were associated with falls, which was also observed in older adult people with two or more falls (education level, OR: 2.44 to 1.92; FRAQ, OR: 0.84). The analysis of older adult people with only one fall  presented an association only with FRAQ (OR:0.87). We conclude that older adult fallers presented a lower fall risk awareness, education level, and  economic class. FRAQ was an important tool for fall prevention programs, since it was able to identify perceptual factors about the risk of falls that can be used for assessment and follow-up, as well as for targeting these programs for older adults in the community.


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How to Cite

Older adult fallers and non-fallers: association with social characteristics, economic factors, clinical aspects, physical activity level, and fall risk awareness: a cross-sectional study. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(3), 343-351. https://doi.org/10.1590/1809-2950/21005928032021