The principies of muscular chains in avaliation of corporal discomfort and posture alterations in public transportation drivers


  • Luci Fabiane Scheffer Moraes UNISUL (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina)
  • Antoniop Renato Pereira Moro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



posture, ergometry, transportation/manpower.


The present study aims to identify injured/committed muscular chains in public transportation drivers (PTD) and their relation to their duties/jobs. The analyzed variables were the posture alterations, the body discomfort referred during the performance of the PTD regular duties and daily habits related to physical activities. For the sample, thirty-three public transportation drivers from Florianópolis (SC) were selected. All of them have more than ten years of experience within this occupation. The data
tools were gathered through the posture evaluation protocol developed under the muscle chain principles, questionnaires in which there arc questions regarding work and health conditions, habits and life style in relation to physical activity practice, besides the corporal composition and flexibility test by the Wells method and the discomfort scale for the different parts of the body. The results were analyzed using: descriptive statistic, average, standard deviation, percentage and the EPI-info software. Significant percentage of corporal discomfort in the spine, mainly in the lumbar area was verified from the analysis: Cramps, tingle sensation, numbness, and located pains were the most related complaints. Concerning posture analysis through muscular chains, posture
alterations were observed with consequent muscular harm. Therefore, we conclude that the PTD daily physical activity causes different levels of muscle-skeletal embarrassments on the point of to produce significant corporal discomfort that influence in their work life quality. And this is directly associated to work conditions, the pauses, the daily work, health conditions as well as the physical activity practice. The study showed that 62,4% of the sample pointed out the reduction in the coiporal discomfort rate, proving the physical activity practice benefits in which can become more efficient if they arc added to compensatory exercises and the autocorrective postures fundamental for the posture re-alignment.


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Author Biographies

  • Luci Fabiane Scheffer Moraes, UNISUL (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina)
    Coordenadora e docente do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - UNISUL.
  • Antoniop Renato Pereira Moro, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    Orientador, Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC.





Thesis / Dissertations

How to Cite

The principies of muscular chains in avaliation of corporal discomfort and posture alterations in public transportation drivers. (2004). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 10(2), 100-101.