Geography of the population and Literature

on the viability of this meeting and its possible results


  • José Carlos Milléo Universidade Federal Fluminense



Population Geography, Literature, Landscape


The population geography accumulates a considerable body of knowledge about the man in the most basic aspects of its existence. In this fountain are dissected the possibilities and choices of consumption of this man, the duration of his existence, his sex and his reproductive tendencies and even the aspects of his death. It must be recognized that this sorting, classification, and weighting operation is highly effective in the process of administering the growing numbers under the tutelage and surveillance of the State or in the private planning spheres. On the other hand, there is an uneasy gap between this branch and literature. This, if it does not have man as a single object, is also viscerally linked to it, allowing itself to become a privileged source of inspiration or subsidies to the population geography. This article intends to review this gap while seeking to investigate some of its reasons while proposing, also, to place the landscape as a concept that can establish this connection, given its origin linked directly to art as well as the tradition that the concept occupies within geographic research.
Thus, the purpose of this article is to review this gap, while simultaneously seeking to investigate some of its reasons. As a result of the mentioned objective, the landscape appears as a concept that can establish this connection. In this sense, in order to substantiate the proposition we are now forwarding, two main arguments are called for: the landscape is examined as a concept with a long tradition within geographic research, but, above all, it is considered its qualification, considering the origin directly linked to art. Finally, as a balance of this effort, some paths open to this reconciliation are pointed out, with emphasis on a new posture that the geography of the population needs to assume in the face of appearance, the visible, as well as the subjectivity role in the analysis of the geographical phenomenon.


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Author Biography

  • José Carlos Milléo, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Graduado em Geografia pela Univesidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - PR (1985) com mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Rio Claro - SP (1993) e doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense - RJ (2005). Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal Fluminense (Campus de Niterói), leciona e pesquisa na área de Geografia, com ênfase em Geografia da População. Atualmente se dedica ao estudo dos Indicadores Sociais e à construção de uma abordagem geografica desta questão.


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How to Cite

Geography of the population and Literature: on the viability of this meeting and its possible results. (2020). Revista Geografia Literatura E Arte, 2(1), 91-106.