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Author Guidelines

Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology)  accepts original contributions in the field of architectural, engineering and design management and technology.

The journal does not charge any fees for articles submission or processing and provides free and open access of the published content to the general public.

The journal's priority topics are:

• Integrated Product Design;

• Building Information Modelling - BIM;

• Design Collaboration and Coordination;

• Project and Quality Management;

• Environmental Design and Management;

• Information Technology applied to Design;

• Knowledge management in the design process;

• Design Supporting Technologies and Tools;

• Desing Development Methods and Methodologies;

• Post-Occupancy Assessment and Design Retrofeeding;

• Education and Awareness on Design Management and Technology;

• Collaboration mechanisms in the design process. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The authors agree with the ethics policy of GTP journal -
  • Bibliographical references must be complete, according to ABNT NBR 6023 or APA standard. References’ URLs and DOIs must be reported when possible. Using DOI in references helps the search engines to account for paper citations.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal or event; Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor". i) Articles derived from Doctoral Theses and Master's Dissertations with results not yet published as an article are accepted. In these cases, the authors must inform in the introduction that it is a derivative work of the Thesis or Dissertation (in the review step, it is enough to inform that it is a derived article without identifying the thesis and dissertation in question, after the final acceptance of the information of authorship, title and institution of the research must be included). It is recommended that the text be revised and revised for submission in the form of an article, avoiding simple cut and paste of excerpts. ii) Articles derived from texts presented at events are accepted for evaluation, provided they have been significantly revised and increased. It is recommended that at least seventy percent of the submitted manuscript be unpublished in relation to the articles. It is up to the authors to inform in the introduction that it is an article developed from the text presented and published in congress (for submission, just inform this condition without identifying the text and author, after definitive acceptance the authors must clearly inform the reference of the text published in event). Authors should also verify that the event's publication rules allow part of the work to be used in an expanded journal article.
  • Authors allow the journal to index the papers on bibliographic and academic database to broaden the dissemination of the publication.
  • Authors are fully responsible for all ethical approvals required to conduct the research and must state that they have the appropriate approvals.

    If the publishing research involves human research, authors must have the appropriate ethical approvals.

    Approval data in the research ethics council and possible conflicts of interest must be informed in the article when pertinent.

  • Authors are aware of and agree to the GTP journal's review deadlines: It is common for the original manuscript to go through a pre-evaluation and two or three rounds of review before a definitive decision is made whether favorable or not. Thus, article review time is quite variable, depending on the reviewers' response time and the time needed for authors to make the required changes. Therefore, authors must be prepared for deadlines of 18 months or more in the review process and for publication deadlines that can extend to two years or more in exceptional cases. In all cases and at each review round, the evaluation opinions and the reasons for the editor's decision are sent by email to the author(s). Authors can at any time request the submission to be archived, but we remind you that the manuscript should not be sent to another journal without a prior archiving request to GTP magazine or a negative result regarding publication.
  • Authorship: authorship of the work must be restricted to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions must be listed as co-authors. The lead author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the article. The main author must ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that they have agreed to its submission for publication.
  • MANUSCRIPT FORMATTING TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION (for peer review): To download the file use the link: Formatting template for submission

    FORMATTING TEMPLATE FOR MANUSCRIPTS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION (only after acceptance): To download the file use the alternative link: Template for submitting accepted articles

  • The authorship identification of the work must be removed from the submission file and from the Microsoft Word file properties, guaranteeing the journal's blind criteria and the peer review process.

    In the submission metadata (registration form in the journal) the personal information, institutional affiliation and ORCiD code << >> of all authors e coauthors must be inserted.

  • Authors must compromise to inform in the text all sources (if any) of research funding (public or private agencies). The registration of financing metadata must be carried out in the fields: Metadata - Add the name of the funding agency in full and without abbreviations or acronyms; Financing Data: Add the DOI Code of the funding agency and then include the number of your funding process.
  • Metadata: Author and Co-author: all co-authors must be provided in the metadata at the time of submission and for everyone it is essential to provide the email and ORCiD. The inclusion of new authors is not allowed and will only be accepted in exceptional cases with justification in writing that will be evaluated by the editors. Metadata was filled in according to the journal's rules - see link:
  • Authors are fully responsible for the authorship of the article and for the copyright of images, photos and data included in the submitted work.

    Note: If the authors use images or photos of third parties they must have authorization to use them in the article.

    Authorization to use third-party images and photos must be signed by the copyright holder of the images. It is the responsibility of the author to verify the legality of the documents alloying the use of such images and keep the original document to be presented to the journal anytime it is requested.


Original articles of research in the areas of architecture, design, engineering and urbanism.

Reports of Scientific Events

Section for academic-scientific event organizers or coordinators who wish to share an account of the event.
Submissions can be made at the invitation of journal editors to event organizers in the area or be proposed by event coordinators to be evaluated for relevance and content by magazine editors or editors invited to special issues.
Contributions must come in the form of reports and reflections on contemporary scientific events in the areas covered by the journal. It seeks to share with readers of the magazine the debates and issues discussed at scientific events and to present trends of innovations in the area of ​​the event.
It is expected that the reports will be written in the form of a reflection article on the debates and discussions developed during the event, presenting the main discussion tables and issues raised.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.