Anthropology & Photography 2010 – 2016


  • Stéphane Malysse Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo



Anthropology, Contemporary art, Cultural transvestite, Bi-cultural


"Malysse, the anthropologist-transvestite (2010-2016)" is an art project that is intimately associated to my practice as an anthropologist. I have been collecting ethnic clothing and other items of what we call material culture ever since I began teaching textile ethnography at the University of São Paulo (USP/ BRAZIL). By studying different ways of dressing and being exotic, I have quickly felt the urge to go native and to break the anthropological taboo of becoming the Other.  By temporarily entering others’ appearances, I have become a transcultural transvestite; the first anthropologist of a new category; a kind of postcolonial cultural chameleon… Appearance confronts the theme of ambiguity and transgression with the lightness of irony and play, denoting a fascinating perspective for the collaboration of Art and Anthropology during this new millennium. Disguises, masks, ironic self-portraits, false pretenses, scientific fiction, deceptive perception, and the manipulation of reality are deceitful transgressions that deform reality in order to escape the traditional rules of representation in Anthropology and Contemporary Art.


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Author Biography

  • Stéphane Malysse, Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo

    Stéphane Malysse is an anthropologist and artist. PhD in Social Anthropology from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS / Paris). He teaches in the course of Fashion & Textile, at the University of São Paulo/Leste. In São Paulo, Malysse is represented by Galeria Lourdina Rabieh (Jardins /SP) and has already held several exhibitions such as “Politicagem” (2002), awarded at the Festival of English Culture and permanently on the Universidade de São Paulo Campus. He published his Postdoctorate through the Opus Corpus website and acts in Instagram as Mr. Malysse.





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How to Cite

Malysse, Stéphane. 2017. “Anthropology & Photography 2010 – 2016”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 2 (1).