The visual imaginary of the posthuman: an anthropological reading between cinema and contemporary art


  • Ricardo Putti Università degli Studi di Siena



Visual anthropology, Post human, Science fiction film, Anthropology of art


The first step was to define the posthuman. This study is particularly focused on some art works and movies to try to recognize what are their implications on the weaving of the collective imagination, referring to the visual dimension of a coming future. The report continues with the analyses of the film Gattaca (1997), directed by New Zealander Andrew M. Niccol, and of artworks by  Cypher (2009), which contain an explicit reference to  Niccol’s film and GFP Bunny/Alba (2000), both created by the artist Eduardo Kac. The works of these two authors and  the relations between them become the main  referential axis for examination of the construction of  an imaginary of transformations in the parental relationship and, more generally, in social relationships associated with artificial genetic revolution.


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Author Biography

  • Ricardo Putti, Università degli Studi di Siena
    He teaches Visual Anthropology at the University of Siena and at the Specialization School in Anthropological Heritage  University of Perugia and directs the Visual Anthropology laboratory “Ars Videndi”. Recently, with the film "Right to Asylum" he won the Costantino Nigra award (2011). In this field  he worked in the Kurdish community of Monte Amiata (Italy) shooting the film Babylon Caffè (2017). He have also a  particular research interest for the anthropological implications of the human / machine relationship. He curated the exhibition: “Nexus human-machine interaciton”, Firenze, 2016. Last pubblication: A&A. Sconfinamenti tra Antropologia e Arte Contemporanea, 2017 (organized with M. Carniani).






How to Cite

Putti, Ricardo. 2018. “The Visual Imaginary of the Posthuman: an Anthropological Reading Between Cinema and Contemporary Art”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 3 (1).