Schneider, Arnd. 2017. Alternative art and anthropology: global encounters. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Book review | Dossier Arts and Anthropologies




The book Alternative art and anthropology: global encounters, edited by Arnd Schneider, addresses a conversation between anthropologists, artists, ethnographers and curators from outside the Euro-American axis who discuss their anthropological experiences in contemporary art. Among articles, interviews and images by authors from around the world, Schneider reiterates the proposal for a global conversation that broadens the debate between anthropology and contemporary art. The book proposes a decentralization of this debate by reading other experiences that were, until recently, not on the axis of this debate.


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Author Biography

  • Paola Lappicy, Universidade de São Paulo

    Paola Lappicy is PhD student in Social Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo (USP). Her research focuses on the area of ​​Anthropology of Expressive Forms, with emphasis on ethnomusicology. She is researcher at Research in Musical Anthropology (PAM) at USP, coordinated by Rose Satiko Hikiji and also a researcher for the thematic project “Musicar Local: new trails for ethnomusicology” coordinated by Suzel Ana Reily of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). In his doctorate, she researches the songs and musical relations in the daily life of the prison, and in his master’s degree, she developed a research related to songs and musical relations of garbage collectors in the city of São Paulo. Email:





T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Lappicy, Paola. 2019. “Schneider, Arnd. 2017. Alternative Art and Anthropology: Global Encounters. London: Bloomsbury Academic.: Book Review | Dossier Arts and Anthropologies”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 416-20.