Psalm 4: religiosity and Bible Hebrew poetry




Psalms, Religiousness, Form and Content, Intertextuality


The Hebrew-biblical poetry is full of liturgical and doxological elements that reflect the religiosity of worshipers. The present work seeks to explore the themes and meanings recorded in Psalm 4, based on the “Total Analysis Method” and the “Synchronic Intertextuality”, developed from Weiss (1984) and Bakhtin (2006), and worked on by Buber (1994) and Kristeva (1969), respectively. Preliminarily, a synthetic bibliographic review is made, where the general perception of the Psalm is presented. Next, the analysis is made from three sections: analysis of the poetic-literary aspects presents in the text, macro-structural analysis, and dialogical synthesis. In short, it is noted that the Psalm establishes a dialogue between three cosmic figures. The stanzas are delimited based on the inflected use of such persons in the discourse, and elements from different contexts are evoked using specific vocabulary, establishing an expression of religiosity common to the book.


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Author Biography

  • Eliathan Carvalho Leite, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Eliathan Carvalho Leite is a Master's student in Literaty Theory at the  Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), with a scholarship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). He holds Bachelor's degrees in Theology from the Universidade Adventista de São Paulo (Unasp-EC) and Languages - Portuguese Studies from the same university, with a Teaching Initiation Program fellowship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Pibid/Capes). He is interested and researches about: Hebrew Bible; Literary Theory; Narrative Analysis of the Hebrew Bible; Biblical Hebrew; Religion, Politics and Society. E-mail:


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Dossier Religions (Articles)

How to Cite

Leite, Eliathan Carvalho. 2022. “Psalm 4: Religiosity and Bible Hebrew Poetry”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 7 (1): e184847.