Songs of the reahu: an anthropological reflection on the Yanomami songs of the Marauiá and Maturacá rivers




Anthropology, Corner, Performance, Yanonami


In this text, we will address the nocturnal chants called amõamõu of the yanonami groups from the Marauiá and Maturacá rivers, which, together with the praiai dance, take place during the ritual feast of the dead, called Reahu in the Yanomami language. Seeking to determine the dynamics of the songs and their contexts in the establishment of the group’s social relations, the theoretical-methodological basis will be given by the writings of Anthropology of Performance, supported by fieldwork carried out during the authors’ doctoral studies.


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Author Biographies

  • Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

    Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves is adjunct Professor of the Theater course and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences – PPGICH at the State University of Amazonas. Postdoctoral student in Theater at the University of São Paulo. Doctor and Postdoctoral in Social Anthropology (UFAM). Bachelor and Licensed in Performing Arts (UFG). In the participant modality, it integrates the following Research Groups: Maracá Group CNPq/UFAM, Nucleus of Studies of the Indigenous Amazon – NEAI-UFAM, IMAM group: Image, Myth and Imaginary in the Performing Arts CNPq/UFG and the Nucleus of Anthropology, Performance and Drama NAPEDRA CNPq/USP. He is a research member of ABRACE-Brazilian Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Performing Arts, coordinating GT IMAM. Coordinator of the Tabihuni Research Institute and Researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology Brasil Plural – IBP.

  • Mboe’esara Esãîã Tremembé, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

    Mbo’esara Esãîã, is an anthropologist from the Tremembé ethnic group, born in the state of Ceará, northeast Brazil. At the age of 20, he moved to Recife -PE, where he graduated in Philosophy from the Salesiano Institute of Philosophy - INSAF in 2006. where he learned the language and way of life of the Yanomami people. In 2008 he joined the master’s degree program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil, with a dissertation on Yanomami Mito and Ethos. In 2019, he joined the same program to pursue a doctorate in social anthropology as well. Currently, Mbo’esara Esãîã is the Manager of the Sagrada Família Indigenous State School, a Yanomami school located on the Marauiá River in the district of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil.


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Dossier Worlds in Performance: 20 Years Napedra

How to Cite

Gonçalves, Luiz Davi Vieira, and Mboe’esara Esãîã Tremembé. 2023. “Songs of the Reahu: An Anthropological Reflection on the Yanomami Songs of the Marauiá and Maturacá Rivers”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 8 (1): e199376.