Tra Storia eMito: L’ossimoro Siciliano Secondo Gesualdo Bufalino


  • Flaviano Pisanelli Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier III



Bufalino, Sicily, space Mediterranean, identity, border, interculturality


Defining himself as a “Sicilian-European”, Bufalino, in his literary and poetic works (in particular his L’amaro miele and Museo d’ombre) as well as his numerous journalistic articles and reviews (in the collections Cere perse and La luce e il lutto), elaborates sonorities and significations which attempt to reinstate the chromatic nuances and the mosaic imagery of a Sicily which is not only a “metaphor” – as Sciascia often wrote – of a Mediterranean civilization in continual transformation, but also a space in which, by means of memory positioning, it is possible to revisit a heritage at once historical and cultural, material and immaterial, capable of affirming itself as an identifying principle in constant evolution. In this sense the insular Sicilian space becomes an inexhaustible fount of representations and self-representations from which Bufalino develops a highly personal poetic and an imaginative world which reestablishes Sicily in its natural vocation of “islandbridge” and “islands-plural” forever influenced by European rationalism and a sort of magic-mythic blown forcefully from the southern shores of mare nostrum


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Author Biography

  • Flaviano Pisanelli, Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier III
    (Roma, 1973) insegna Lingua e Letteratura Italiana all’Università Paul Valéry – Montpellier III (Francia). Membro del Centro di Ricerca LLACS (Lingue, Letterature, Arti e Culture dei Sud), poeta e traduttore, ha pubblicato numerosissimi studi critici sull’opera letteraria e cinematografica di Pier Paolo Pasolini e su altri autori italiani del XX e XXI secolo (Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Tondelli, Silvana Grasso, Gesualdo Bufalino, Alda Merini, Mario Scalesi, ecc.). Attualmente la sua ricerca scientifica si focalizza sullo studio della poesia italofona della migrazione (Gëzim Hajdari, Barbara Serdakowski, Vera Lucia de Oliveira, Carlos Sanchez, etc.). Tra le sue pubblicazioni, segnaliamo: In poesis nomine. Onomastique et toponymie dans Le Occasioni d’Eugenio Montale et Trasumanar e organizzar de Pier Paolo Pasolini (Grenoble, ELLUG, 2008); Mémoires et contes de la Méditerranée. L’émigration sicilienne en Tunisie entre XIXe et XXe siècles / Memorie e racconti del Mediterraneo. L’emigrazione siciliana in Tunisia tra XIX e XX secolo (Tunis, Éditions MC, 2015) e traduzioni di opere di Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bruno Pinchard, Hervé Gaymard. Tra le sue raccolte poetiche, ricordiamo: A peso d’aria (2000), Perla e argilla (2006) e, in edizione bilingue, Erranza e dintorni / Errance et alentours (2013).






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How to Cite

Pisanelli, F. (2014). Tra Storia eMito: L’ossimoro Siciliano Secondo Gesualdo Bufalino. Revista De Italianística, 27, 56-69.