Media e promotion of plurilingualism in Europe: a transdisciplinary itinerary


  • Giulia Pelillo Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg



Pluriligualism, Media, Language policy, Transcultural studies


The article focuses on the promotion and protection of cultural diversity by comparing the language policy of the European Union with common attitudes and discourse practices in the national public sphere. While the EU regards diversity - linguistic and cultural in general - as a foundation of the European identity, established discourse practices in the public debate still express a monolingual ideology, typical of the tradition of the nation state. At the same time the role played by media seems to be underestimated in the debate on language policy. Following a transdisciplinary path, which compares the sociological, sociolinguistic, socio-anthropological and philosophical approach with the advances in cultural studies, it appears that the research of the last years tends to emphasize the procedural and dynamic character of cultural identity by conceptualizing it in terms of capital rather than heritage. A transcultural approach in the study of language diversity promises advantages both from a theoretical and from an applied point of view: on the one hand it allows the description of the complex cultural dynamics arising in the context of globalization, on the other it implies a better handling, also in a discursive sense, of superdiversity (Vertovec 2009), a term which underlines the multilayered character of contemporary cultural identities. Beside the potential and the challenges of superdiversity the role played by media in promoting or, on the contrary, in frustrating the efforts started in other fields - like education, politics or research -, in order to construct a European culture of diversity, could be decisive.


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Author Biography

  • Giulia Pelillo, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

    È docente di studi culturali presso l’Istituto di Filologia Romanza dell’Università di Heidelberg e junior fellow presso l’Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies. Dopo la laurea in Lettere Moderne presso l’Università Roma Tre ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca in Linguistica Romanza presso l’Università di Heidelberg, dove è stata lettrice di Italiano dal 2005 al 2009. Le sue attività di ricerca e di insegnamento sono incentrate sullo studio inter- e transdisciplinare della comunicazione, con particolare riguardo alla socio- e alla pragmalinguistica, l’analisi del discorso e i cultural studies. In questo ambito ha pubblicato un libro su “L’intervista radiofonica tra realtà e spettacolarizzazione” e diversi articoli e saggi sulla comunicazione “mediatizzata”, l’autobiografia, e la lingua contemporanea. Ha inoltre partecipato a diversi progetti europei incentrati sulla promozione dell’interculturalità attraverso l’uso dei media.


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How to Cite

Pelillo, G. (2014). Media e promotion of plurilingualism in Europe: a transdisciplinary itinerary. Revista De Italianística, 28, 4-19.