Distractors and solutions in a lexical multiple choice cloze for advanced: the opportunity of considering the native speaker's judgement


  • Paolo Torresan




Assessment, Test validity, Cloze, Lexical competence


For the purpose of this study, we had two different groups of native experts (n=37) sit 2 multiple choice reading cloze tests intended for C2 level students taken from the CILS certification in Italian as a foreign language (Università per Stranieri, Siena). We then analyzed the answers not coinciding with those intended by the certifying body. The analysis demonstrates the presence of certain plausible distractors. We discuss certain conclusions regarding the certifier’s need to take the judgment of native experts into account as a means of validating the test.


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Author Biography

  • Paolo Torresan

    Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Collabora con Alma Edizioni, casa editrice specializzata in pubblicazioni relative all’italiano L2. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e monografie, oltre ad aver curato diversi volumi, sempre su temi legati all’apprendimento e all’insegnamento delle seconde lingue.


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Testi autentici su cui sono state basate le prove

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How to Cite

Torresan, P. (2015). Distractors and solutions in a lexical multiple choice cloze for advanced: the opportunity of considering the native speaker’s judgement. Revista De Italianística, 30, 5-31. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.v0i30p5-31