The Autobiographical Act as a Strategy: The case of Italian painters in the first half of the 20th century




Autobiography, Massimo Campigli , Gino Severini , Giorgio De Chirico , Carlo Carrà


The autobiographical act is part of a strategy used by modern artists as a way of ensuring that their version of events is preserved and judged in the future. For such a strategy to be successful, they must establish a relationship of trust with their readers, so that they can guarantee that their version of the facts is considered the most coherent and true. With this article, we propose to discuss some aspects of the autobiographical writings of four Italian painters: Carlo Carrà (La Mia Vita, 1943), Gino Severini (Tutta la vita di un pittore, 1946), Massimo Campigli (Scrupoli, 1955) and Giorgio De Chirico (Memorie della mia vita, 1960), bringing to light points of convergence and divergence between them. The choice of the four artists was guided by their performance during the fascist period, by the relevance established with relevant associations, such as: Futurism, Metaphysical Painting, Mural Painting and the "Italians of Paris" and by their activities as art theorists.


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Author Biographies

  • Renata Rocco, Universidade de São Paulo. Museu de Arte Contemporânea

    Postdoctoral fellowship at MAC USP supervised by Prof. Ana Gonçalves Magalhães (FAPESP no. 2019/16810-8). She was a Collaborating Professor at MAC USP between 2021 and 2022 and participated in the curatorial team of the exhibitions "Projects for a Modern Daily Life in Brazil, 1920-1960" and "Brazilian Art Deco. Donation Fulvia and Adolpho Leirner" both at the museum. Researches: modern art in Brazil and Italy; São Paulo Biennial.

  • Victor Tuon Murari, Universidade de São Paulo

    PhD in Arts by the Graduate Program in Aesthetics and Art History at the University of São Paulo and the Museum of Contemporary Art at USP. He acted as lecturer and researcher in the exhibition Ideas: The Legacy of Giorgio Morandi and in the team. Research on: modern art; Italian art; artistic flow between Brazil and Italy in the first half of the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Rocco, R., & Murari, V. T. (2023). The Autobiographical Act as a Strategy: The case of Italian painters in the first half of the 20th century. Revista De Italianística, 47, 101-119.