The Italian and Brazilian Portuguese Pronoun Systems: Clitics among the Variants of Realization of Anaphoric Objects




clitic pronouns, anaphoric object, zero pronoun, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese


The article adopts a contrastive approach to compare Brazilian Portuguese and Italian. The aim is identifying similarities and differences regarding (i) the clitic pronoun paradigm, with particular attention to 3rd person forms, and (ii) the alternative anaphoric object realization variants to clitics, such as the zero pronoun (or empty category) and tonic pronouns. After specifying which properties of the Italian clitic microsystem determine its complexity  from a morphological, syntactic, and pragmatic point of view, we present the forms of 3rd person tonic and clitic pronouns in the accusative and dative cases (and their combinations) both in Italian and Brazilian Portuguese, taking into account different diatopic, diastratic, and diaphasic varieties. We then synthesize the results of the main studies on the variants of anaphoric object realization in Brazilian Portuguese, compared with the corresponding variants available (or not) in Italian. Finally, we reflect on the reasons why the mastery of Italian clitics represents a major acquisition challenge for Brazilian learners.


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Author Biographies

  • Manuela Lunati, Sem registro de afiliação
    Manuela Lunati, Bachelor's degree in Communication, with a thesis in Textual Semiotics. She holds a Master's degree in Didactics of Italian as a Second Language at the Perugia University for Foreigners and a Ph.D. in Italian Language, Literature, and Culture at the University of Sao Paulo and the Sapienza University of Rome. She investigated subjects such as the acquisition of Italian clitic pronouns, error assessment, the use of allocutive forms, linguistic education policies, and the role of dialects. 
  • Adriana Mendes Porcellato, Universidade de São Paulo

    She holds a PhD in Italian Language, Literature and Culture from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) and Università La Sapienza (Italy). In her studies, she has investigated the role of pragmatics and culture in foreign language teaching, with a special focus on the analysis and development of pedagogical material. She worked as a temporary lecturer of Italian at Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) in 2021 and at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in 2022-2023.

  • Elisabetta Santoro, Universidade de São Paulo

    She has a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy (German / English) and in Translation at Ruprecht-Karls Universität de Heidelberg, Germany (German / Italian / Portuguese). Master and PhD were completed at the University of São Paulo (USP), where she has been a professor in Italian Language and Literature since 2003. Her main research interests are: second language acquisition, learning and teaching of Italian L2, pragmatics, discursive semiotics and relations between Italy and Brazil. On these topics, she published articles and essays. She is a president of the Brazilian Association of Teachers of Italian (ABPI) and member of the board of the corresponding international association (AIPI). She is also a member of different scientific associations of the area. She coordinates the research groups “(Inter)linguistic, cross-cultural and intercultural Pragmatics” (GPP/CNPq/Fapesp) and “Language, Identity and Memory: Italian of the Italians of Brazil” (GLIM/CNPq) and is researcher at LEER (Laboratory of Studies on Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination at the University of São Paulo).


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How to Cite

Lunati, M., Porcellato, A. M., & Santoro, E. (2024). The Italian and Brazilian Portuguese Pronoun Systems: Clitics among the Variants of Realization of Anaphoric Objects. Revista De Italianística, 48, 35-63.