The relationship between the Municipal Human Development Index and rates of violent death in Brazilian Federal Units


  • Lylla Winzer Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol University



violence, human development index, inequality, Brazil.


Because countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) have low rates of violence, it is common to assume that the increase of HDI may correspond with lower rates of violence in a country. This study examined the relationship between the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) and violent deaths in the Brazilian States between 1991 and 2010. We tested whether the increase of MHDI indirectly reduces violence or whether the reduction of violence predicts higher MHDI in later years. The raw data were obtained from three sources online, Atlasbrasil, IPEAdata and Map of violence. The analyses do not support the assumption that the increase of MHDI leads to a reduced level of violence. However, there are indications that the decrease of homicides over the years results in improved MHDI rates in 2010. The results suggest that taking measures aimed at development does not automatically imply a lower level of violence, but fi ghting against violence may increase MHDI.


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