Diagnostic Relevance of Recurrence Plots for the Characterization of Health, Disease or Death in Humans


  • Moacir Fernandes de Godoy Medical School – FAMERP / Transdisciplinary Nucleus for the Study of Chaos and Complexity – NUTECC
  • Michele Lima Gregório Medical School -FAMERP




autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, health, disease, death, recurrence plots


Introduction: It Recurrence Plots (RP) have been increasingly used to evaluate complex dynamic systems being the human body an excellent model. Were analyzed the quantitative and qualitative elements of RP in differencing Health, Disease and Death. Time series of normal heart beats were collected in healthy newborns (Group A1), healthy children (Group A2), healthy young adults (Group A3), healthy middle-aged adults (Group A4), elderly individuals living in nursing homes (Group B), individuals with advanced chronic kidney disease (Group C) and individuals with declared brain death or in state of imminent death (Group D). Group A3 showed the best homeostasis (lower recurrence). Groups A1 and D had the higher recurrence values. At the qualitative visual level, Group A3 showed the more diffuse and uniform distribution, indicative of better homeostasis and Group D was totally linear, the worst condition. A parabolic pattern was clearly evidenced. In conclusion, it was possible, using the correlation of only two variables (SDNN and TT), easily differentiate states of Health, Disease and Death using RP.


Author Biographies

  • Moacir Fernandes de Godoy, Medical School – FAMERP / Transdisciplinary Nucleus for the Study of Chaos and Complexity – NUTECC

    Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery - São José do Rio Preto




  • Michele Lima Gregório, Medical School -FAMERP

    Transdisciplinary Nucleus for the Study of Chaos and Complexity – NUTECC - São José do Rio Preto



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