A characterization of the use of the cup feeding technique at the neonatal intensive care unit of a public hospital


  • Liza Gutierrez Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Susana E. Delgado Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Arlenio P. da Costa Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre; UTI Neonatal




Speech pathology and audiology, feeding methods, breast-feeding


This paper aims to characterize the use of the cup feeding technique at the neonatal intensive care unit of a Public Hospital in the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul. It describes the profile of the babies that were subjected to this technique, and analyzes the use and adequacy of the cup technique. The acceptance of the infant's family in relation to this alternative method was also observed. The collected data were obtained through the study of the patients' records, observation of the infants' feeding and interviews with their mothers. The study observed 28 babies admitted to the Neonatal ICU of Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital, that were being fed through cups, and their respective mothers. The results showed that most of the babies that undergone the technique were being simultaneously breast-fed, which behaved according to the findings that advocate the right use of the technique. It was verified that the administration of the technique was partially correct. All mothers already wanted to breast-feed their babies, even the ones who had not received information about breast-feeding. It was concluded that the cup feeding technique as an alternative method to feed babies, to most of the babies in this study, occurred adequately, providing an option in trying to establish breast-feeding or to avoid early weaning.


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