Experiences of intrafamiliar violence between adolescents in conflict with the law
Intrafamilial violence, Right of the child and adolescent, Adolescent in conflict with the law, FamilyAbstract
The present study aims to discuss experiences of intrafamilial violence reported by adolescents who have committed infractions in the State of Bahia and are abiding by a socio-educational measure of internment. It reviews normative aspects related to the adolescent group and presents the results of an investigation carried out through an agreement with the Children and Youth Court of the city of Salvador. The article approaches the importance of public policies that provide support for the family in the perspective of the human rights, focusing on the growth and development of the adolescent group. The condition of vulnerability faced by the adolescents is related to the necessary effort that must be jointly undertaken by the family, the community and the State to respect their dignity as human beings.References
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