Domestic violence from gender perspective and public policies


  • Anna Paula Garcia Oliveira Polícia do Estado da Bahia
  • Vanessa Ribeiro Simon Cavalcanti UCSA



Gender, Violence, Public Policies, Bahia


This article aims to analyze violence in the relationships between men and women, inside the home and family space, identifying factors that stop women from putting an end to this phenomenon in which they are inserted. The quantitative research was carried out at the archives of Delegacia Especial de Atendimento à Mulher (Police station for women defense), in Salvador, state of Bahia, from January to December 2003, revealing that many women give up the punishing process of their aggressors in most cases. In none of the four studied cases did we verify complicity or feminine consent before the suffered violence; on the contrary, there is a fight for equality concerning gender relationships and reactions against an unfair reality, which is that of violence against women.


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Original Research