popular games, social movements, community, interventions.Abstract
To follow the development of children and adolescents in their context of life has been a practice ofthepsychologistwho works directly in communities. The difficulties of contemporarysocieties have negatively affected the relationship between children in public spaces. They have played less and because of that they have damaged their interaction abilities and critical awareness, mainly regarding citizenship and quality of life. The main goal of this article was to observe how this social movement could be installed in a risk community searching for the return ofthe children to the public space, and also to reflect on the quality of life ofthis specific group. It was developed through weekly contacts for nine months with 30 children in three work phases: the first one intended to draw the population’s attention to the importance of having a square in the neighborhood, to be built by the population, with the cooperation of the university and the city hall; the second was to raise the children’s awareness about the trash; and the third was to generate an opportunity for collective and popular play with children. The children’s participationbrought flashes oftheir life, showing that an intervention in this direction must be constantly developed,
so that the results of this work can be incorporated in the children’s and the community’s daily life. The discontinuity of public policies involving the protection of children in those communities affects directly the maintenance of these social movements.
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