development, Afrodescendants, intergenerational.Abstract
This is a report of a field study that intends to recover aspects from the history of the Afrodescendants’ insertion in the Brazilian territory in order to clarify how what may be called “Brazilianidentity” and/or “Brazility” has been composed. This aim was accomplished by collecting life histories of dwellers of a “quilombo” named Carmo, focussing mainly on the child rearing aspects of three Afro-descendant generations. It was concluded that three aspects can be attributed to this African “heritage”: the respect for the ancestors and the obedience to rules of behavior related to this respect; the expectation that children must perform activities attributed to them inside the socio-familiar
organization; the ascendancy of the female element in the form of a “matriarchal” society. Therefore, the final conclusion is that the exclusion of this group occurs in much deeper levels than the apparent ones, because their founding values were excluded by the Occidental democratic egalitarian way of life; on the other hand, this world did not include them in a socio-economic egalitarianism.
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