Reference values for respiratory muscle strength in brazilian children: a review


  • Camila Isabel Santos Schivinski Ph.D. in Children and Adolescent Heath from the Medical School of UNICAMP; Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs at UDESC
  • Renata Maba Gonçalves Master´s Degree in Physiotherapy from Santa Catarina State University – UDESC
  • Tayná Castilho Graduate student in Physiotherapy at Santa Catarina State University – UDESC


Palabras clave:

Reference Values. Child. Respiratory Muscle Strength. Predictive Equations.


Introduction: Reference values and equations show strong variability and regional differences, despite a well-established role of the assessment of respiratory muscle strength (RMS) in children, with the objective to follow up on diseases that affect the function of respiratory muscles and enable adequate growth and development. Objective: To describe reference values and prediction equations of maximal respiratory pressures for Brazilian children. Methods: Literature review was conducted using databases LILACS, MEDLINE and Science Direct, and descriptors established by DeCS of the Virtual Health Library: reference values, child, respiratory muscle strength, predictive equations and their respective synonyms in English. Results: Six clinical trials were carried out, which determined reference values for children in various Brazilian regions. There was a relationship among RMS values and other factors, such as age, height and body mass. However, there was a significant difference among the data in the Brazilian states and divergence among the predicted values. Conclusion: There is a consensus on the relationship among RMS, anthropometric factors and regional influences. The articles studied reported diverging predicted values and reference equations.


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