Scientific method and research in health: orientation for professional practice


  • Sandra Dircinha Teixeira de Araújo Moraes Hospital Maternidade de Osasco/ Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo


Palabras clave:

research, health, method, professional practice


In the health area, research is designed to develop reliable data on problems and needs that are important to the individual/community, with a particular focus on guiding practitioners. Today, due to innumerable innovations in health, health decision-making needs to be based on scientific principles, which is a daily process that is integral to the rhythm of life, product and reason for social interests in confrontation based on learning, not summarized to mere reproduction. In this context, when considering that the quality of the research is directly linked to the presentation of the results, it is important to note the importance of the construction of research protocols that present the step-by-step techniques of organization and analysis of the data, understanding that the researcher, when in possession of collected data, must be sure that when they work respecting the chosen technique, they will indicate the evidences of the study, with possibilities to achieve a new knowledge with the minimum of bias that can happen. Thus, it is understood the importance of emphasizing the scientific method as a way for the development of scientific research in order to achieve the objectives set, increasing the rigor of the research to give visibility to information that enables the professional practices conscious and within of criteria that contribute to decision making on care based on validated scientific information.


Biografía del autor/a

  • Sandra Dircinha Teixeira de Araújo Moraes, Hospital Maternidade de Osasco/ Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo

    In the health area, research is designed to develop reliable data on problems and needs that are important to the individual/community, with a particular focus on guiding practitioners. Today, due to innumerable innovations in health, health decision-making needs to be based on scientific principles, which is a daily process that is integral to the rhythm of life, product and reason for social interests in confrontation based on learning, not summarized to mere reproduction. In this context, when considering that the quality of the research is directly linked to the presentation of the results, it is important to note the importance of the construction of research protocols that present the step-by-step techniques of organization and analysis of the data, understanding that the researcher, when in possession of collected data, must be sure that when they work respecting the chosen technique, they will indicate the evidences of the study, with possibilities to achieve a new knowledge with the minimum of bias that can happen. Thus, it is understood the importance of emphasizing the scientific method as a way for the development of scientific research in order to achieve the objectives set, increasing the rigor of the research to give visibility to information that enables the professional practices conscious and within of criteria that contribute to decision making on care based on validated scientific information.



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