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Author Guidelines

  1. Scope and editorial policy


 The Revista Leviathan - public articles, research notes, methodological notes, reviews and information related to the journal's editorial areas (Political Institutions, Comparative Politics and Public Policies; Political Theory, Brazilian and Latin American Political and Social Thought , International Relations, Methodology and Epistemology of Political Science,), adopting different theoretical and methodological perspectives and having in common the commitment to intellectual rigor and the ability to stimulate research in the field of Political Science in particular and Social Sciences in general .


The publication of articles is subject to the opinion of experts and acceptance by the Editor-in-Chief and the Publisher in the area. The manuscripts must be original and must not be reported to the evaluation of any other vehicle. The Journal accepts for publication manuscripts previously released in preprint format and generated at academic events, requiring notification to the editors at the time of submission. The publication of reviews is subject to the analysis of the area publishers and an anonymous reviewer.


 A Revista Leviathan adopts a double blind peer review. The Magazine Ask for the evaluation of at least two opinions before making a decision on the publication. Based on the criteria listed above, papers can be "accepted without changes", "accepted with changes", "invited to resubmission with major changes" or "rejected". In the case of rejection, there is a possibility of later resubmission, provided that important changes are made to the text with a view, for example, to the previous ones issued. Written in Portuguese, English and Spanish will be accepted.


Leviathan will use at least two editions under double blind peer review. If the results are discrepant, we will use, at least, another double-blind opinion for the full evaluation of the submitted work. In addition, we emphasize that the magazine always seeks referees with equal or greater titles from the proponents of works, following practices in the editorial field. The flowchart with the editorial procedure adopted in the Magazine can be consulted at:


As reviewers, they are entitled to certificates for the work done. There will be no form of remuneration as the collaboration of the referees is voluntary.


The minimum degree for submitting articles to the magazine is for a master's student. In the case of undergraduates or graduates, co-authorship must be with at least one master's student. Other cases involve the editorial board. However, we make it clear that this can be an impediment to the continuity of the editorial process.


  1. Free access policy


This journal offers immediate free access to content, following the principle that making public knowledge available to the public free of charge offers greater universal democratization of knowledge.


  1. Ethical guidelines

The Revista Leviathan is committed to the standards defined by the Commission for Integrity in Scientific Activity of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (http: // guidelines) and also by ethics instructions in the publication of the Publications Ethics Committee - COPE ( In view of this set of rules and instructions, publishers (s) act to prevent irregularities and unethical behavior in the publication of articles, with special attention to restraining plagiarism. The magazine, mode, will use platforms for textual similarity conferences, such as Oxsico ( and Turnitin ( It should be noted that the cases of self-plagiarism are only valid, in our publication, for cases in which the work has already been published as an article in another magazine and not in congress analyzes or other ways of making available prepress.


  1. Declaration of Copyright


Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:


Authors maintain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication.

Authors are obliged to assume, mandatorily, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this Journal (eg: to publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), provided that it is acknowledged for authorship and initial publication in Revista Leviatã.

Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg, in institutional repositories or on the personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of published work.


  1. Form and preparation of manuscripts


 The author's name should not appear in the body of the submitted text or in the information in the document's properties - information about this testimonial can be found at this link: https: // -cultures-and-informs% C3% A7% C3% B5es-personal-through-inspe% C3% A7% C3% A3-of-documents-presents% C3% A7% C3% B5es-or-folders -de-Trabalho-356b7b5d-77af-44fe-a07f-9aa4d085966f - in order to guarantee the anonymity of the authors and reviewers in the evaluation process.


Articles - Must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space 1.5 and margins of 2.5 cm. They must have between 18 and 35 pages, including tables, tables, graphs, figures and bibliographic references and must contain, in that order: a) title in Portuguese; b) abstract in Portuguese with a maximum of 15 lines, containing theme, objective (s), hypothesis (s) and conclusion (s); c) between 3 (minimum) or 6 (maximum) keywords; d) title in English; abstract in English with a maximum of 15 lines; e) between 3 (minimum) or 6 (maximum) keywords in English; f) text of the article; g) bibliographic references. The structure of the article must contain, even with distinct and numerous subdivisions: i) introduction; ii) development and iii) conclusion and results. The maximum number of floating elements (tables, graphs, images, pictures, etc.) must be 8 (eight) elements. If the text is in Spanish or English, one of the abstracts sent must be in Portuguese.




Research notes and software review (this section includes presentation of sources and documents of interest to the Social Sciences; research notes in progress; essays; bibliographic balance of themes and issues involving political studies and software reviews): Must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 space and 2.5 cm margins. They must have a maximum of 15 pages, including tables, references and figures and must contain, in that order: a) title in Portuguese; b) abstract in Portuguese with a maximum of 15 lines; c) between 3 (minimum) or 6 (maximum) keywords; d) title in English; abstract in English with a maximum of 15 lines; e) between 3 (minimum) or 6 (maximum) keywords in English; f) text of the article; g) bibliographic references. The maximum number of floating elements (tables, graphs, images, pictures, etc.) must be 8 (eight) elements. If the text is in Spanish or English, one of the abstracts sent must be in Portuguese.


Reviews - Book reviews published 36 months ago in Brazil and 60 months abroad will be accepted. The reviews cannot have a purely descriptive character of the work, in the sense that it must have a critical analysis of the content and a contextualization in the debates in which the production is involved. It should have a maximum of 10 pages in Times New Roman font, size 12, space 1.5 and margins 2.5 cm and contain the complete reference of the work reviewed at the beginning of the text. The maximum number of floating elements (tables, graphs, images, pictures, etc.) must be 3 (three) (three) elements.


Interviews - As a rule, the interview proposals will come from the magazine's publishers and from the invited publishers of the dossiers. For all other cases, before the interview is actually carried out, a proposal must be sent to the editorial board that will make a rigorous analysis of the proposal and adaptations of an editorial, thematic, professional and institutional nature will be analyzed.


Translations - the translations will come from both a continuous flow and from the demands of the magazine's publishers and invited publishers. It is the responsibility of the translator to obtain the legal possibility of translating the text in question. We remind you that the Journal does not have funds for any editorial and review work. The translations will be analyzed by the area publishers and will undergo rigorous analysis. The journal will also be able to indicate, in dialogue with the proponent, people to contribute in the process of translation and revision of the work.




Bibliographic references - Bibliographic references must be prepared in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT, NBR-6023/2018). In the body of the text, they must be identified in parentheses, according to the following model:


(Author's LAST NAME, date) or (Author's LAST NAME, date, page). Ex .: (HOBBES, 2008) or (HOBBES, 2008, p. 182). Different titles by the same author published in the same year will be identified by a letter after the date. Ex .: (SCHWARZ, 2012a), (SCHWARZ, 2012b).


In case of more than one author, separate the names with a semicolon. Ex .: (ARRUZZA; BHATTACHARYA; FRASER, 2019).


Texts must be submitted via the system on the website of Leviathan Magazine - political research notebooks, in a file with the extension “.doc” or “.docx”. Tables, maps, tables, etc. must be sent in the body of the text. Images and / or figures and / or photographs must be sent in jpeg or png format, 300 dpi resolution or in the best possible resolution. Responsibility for au rights.


Book: SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle. Edition number, if not the first. Place of publication: name of publisher and date of publication.


Example: MARX, Karl. Criticism of Hegel's philosophy of law. 2. ed. Sao Paulo: Boitempo, 2010


Chapter in collection: SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (abbreviated) of the organizer (s). (org.). Collection title in bold: subtitle. Edition number, if not the first. Place of publication: name of publisher, date of publication. pages.


Example: MARQUES, Eduardo. How to study urban policies ?. In: MARQUES, E. (org.). Urban policies in São Paulo. São Paulo: Editora UNESP; Center for Metropolitan Studies, 2018. p.13-45.


Journal article: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. Name of the Journal in Bold: subtitle, volume, number of the journal, location, page range of the article, year.


Example: LIMONGI, Fernando. Elections and democracy in Brazil: Victor Nunes Leal and the 1945 transition. Data: Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, v. 55, n.1, p. 37-69.


Dissertations and theses: SURNAME, Name. Title of the dissertation / thesis in bold: subtitle. Dissertation (Master in knowledge area) or Thesis (Doctorate in knowledge area). Place, Institution in which it was presented, city, year.


Example: NICOLETE, Roberta Kelly Soromenho. From Reims to Varennes: the languages ​​of political authority in revolutionary France. 2017. Thesis (Doctorate in Political Science) - Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2017.


Internet (electronic documents): SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle. Place and publisher (if any), year. Available at: Indication of the URL. Accessed in: abbreviated day day. year.


Example: BARRETO, Afonso Henrique de Lima. Marginalia. São Paulo: Virtual library of the Brazilian student, [S.d.]. Available at: 20 May 2020.




Attention: Submitted articles that do not conform to bibliographic and formatting standards will not be evaluated, being rejected in the desk review stage.




Political Methodology and Formal Theory

The section on political methodology and formal theory seeks to publish papers on formal theory and quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology. More than that, the section seeks to contribute to the state of the art of methodological studies in Political Science and related areas.



Political Theory

The space dedicated to Political Theory in Leviathan is plural and open to work on the most diverse approaches, themes and political issues. Thus, both work within the disciplinary boundaries of Political Science, as well as interdisciplinary and humanistic efforts will be welcome. The Political Theory session will accept articles, reviews and translations that follow criteria of rigor, excellence and originality and that contribute to the academic debate. Having as main motivation to collaborate for the construction of a magazine of graduate students (as) relevant in intellectual and academic aspects, but also attentive to the public debate.




International relations

The International Relations Section of Leviathan aims to disseminate academic works from different epistemological and methodological matrices. The Journal seeks to contribute to the growth and development of the area of ​​international relations in a plural and consistent manner, in line with its scientific advancement.


Reviews / Softwares

In this section, articles of a maximum of 10,000 characters will be received containing:

Reviews of Political Science books and related areas launched in the last five years.

Reviews of recent software and / or databases that may be useful for Political Science.

Papers submitted to this section will be evaluated by only one referee.



Political Institutions, Public Policies and Comparative Politics

Leviathan's "Political Institutions, Public Policies and Comparative Politics" section has as its central objective the dissemination and circulation of original works on political powers, political institutions and government processes. In addition to understanding the study of parties and elections, as well as the field of analysis of public policies. Compared searches are especially welcome. Here, the broad and plural debate is valued, and academic rigor is required in the theoretical and empirical construction of the analyzes.



Research Notes

In this section, readers are encouraged to send a short description of the works they are developing, in order to allow the exchange of experiences between researchers in the same area.

Papers sent to this section must contain a maximum of 7500 characters and must be original.




Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.

Political Methodology and Formal Theory

The Political Methodology and Formal Theory section aims to publish works in formal theory and methodology of quantitative, qualitative or mixed nature. Moreover, it seeks contributions to the state of the art of methodological studies in Political Science and related areas.

Political Theory

The area dedicated to Political Theory in Leviathan is plural and open to the most diverse approaches, themes and political issues. Thus, works within the discipline of Political Science as well as interdisciplinary and humanistic endeavors will be welcomed. The Political Theory section will accept articles, reviews and translations that are rigorous, excellent and original, and that contribute to the academic debate. The main motivation is to collaborate to construct a relevant graduate student journal, not only concerning intellectual and academic aspects, but also paying attention to the public debate.

International Relations

Leviathan’s International Relations section.

Reviews / Softwares

In this section we encourage writers to submit papers, up to 10,000 characters, that verse about:

  1. Reviews of Political Science Books and related, launched in the last five years.
  2. Reviews of Software and / or recent Databases that could be used in political scientists work.

The papers submitted to this section shall be assessed by only one reviewer.

Political Institutions, Parties and Comparative Politics

Leviathan's area of "Political Institutions, Parties and Comparative Politics" has the main objective of delivering and circulating original works on the political branches, political institutions and governmental processes. It embraces, as well, the study of parties, of elections and of public policies. Comparative works will be specially endorsed. Here, we praise for the broad and pluralistic debate, and we require academic rigor on both theoretical and empirical sides of analysis.

Notes on Research in Progress

In this section we encourage scholars to share a short description of the research that they are carrying out, in order to allow the exchange of experiences among scholars in the same area.

Papers submitted to this section shall contain a maximum of 7500 characters and must be original.

Brazilian and Latin American Political and Social Thought

The section dedicated to Brazilian and Latin American political and social thought aims to gather articles and reviews that contribute, in a plural form, to the development of the studies of the research area.

In order to do so, articles that clearly denote their theoretical and methodological references are desired, contributing to the academic and critical debate. It is expected that the result will be the promotion of a postgraduate journal which aims to intellectual, academic and political-emancipatory relevance.

Dossiê "Crise na América Latina: entre o passado e o futuro"

A América Latina tem passado por um momento de transição política. Depois da onda de governos de esquerda, o quadro parece estar se alterando, como revelam, para ficarmos em poucos exemplos, os casos de Argentina, Brasil e as tensões na Venezuela. Esse momento, via de regra marcado pela ideia de crise, talvez seja especialmente propício para a retomada de reflexões clássicas dos pensadores que interpretaram a realidade latino-americana; pois, como é costumeiro na história política do subcontinente, muitos de seus processos de mudanças acabam por repor antigas estruturas de dominação.

Ademais, nessa sua retomada, a Leviathan passará a contar com uma área de sua revista para a publicação, divulgação e debate sobre o pensamento político latino-americano. Conjugando-se, então, o momento político e o novo momento de nossa revista, convidamos as pesquisadoras e pesquisadores da área para enviarem seus textos para o dossiê Crise na América Latina: entre o passado e o futuro.  Em especial, serão valorizados trabalhos que:

1)      investiguem abordagens teórico-metodológica, de modo que consiga tratar das conexões entre os trabalhos de pensamento político e social brasileiro e latino-americano com as dimensões da teoria política e crítica e das idiossincrasias dos instrumentos metodológicos e teóricos destas áreas;

2)      estudem a relação entre ideologias e política, de modo que sejam voltados para os estudos sobre as correntes e linhagens do pensamento político e social brasileiro e latino-americano, ao modo do marxismo, radicalismo, catolicismo, conservadorismo, populismo, liberalismo, positivismo, socialismo etc;

3)      tratem de temas clássicos e contemporâneos no pensamento político do subcontinente, à maneira do nacionalismo e formação da nação, subdesenvolvimento, desenvolvimento e dependência, imperialismo, questão agrária, formação social e de classes, desencontro entre ideias e meio material, capitalismo periférico, feminismo latino-americano etc;

4)      analisem as trajetórias políticas de intelectuais nacionais e latino-americanos.

A revista Leviathan é editada por discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência (PPGCP) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Os trabalhos devem ser inéditos e podem ser submetidos em português, espanhol ou inglês, sendo o procedimento de submissão inteiramente eletrônico, realizado na página da revista:

Além de artigos direcionados para o dossiê, a Revista Leviathan continua em fluxo contínuo para submissões de temática livre.

Political Theory and Democracy

Os últimos anos têm sido marcados pela proliferação de debates sobre “crise das democracias”, tanto no âmbito acadêmico quanto na esfera pública de modo mais geral. A  crise dos partidos políticos tradicionais, a emergência de governos ou regimes com propensão populista, autoritária ou extremista, a dificuldade de assegurar os direitos humanos ou de minorias em contextos de polarização ou de radicalismo político, a compatibilidade ou incompatibilidade entre democracia e desigualdades profundas, e a dificuldade crescente de conciliar princípios constitucionais com o respeito da “vontade majoritária” expressa nas urnas têm sido alguns dos temas levantados por esse debate contemporâneo sobre “crise das democracias”.

Esta proposta de dossiê pretende reunir artigos que tragam contribuições de áreas consagradas da Teoria Política para pensar esses desafios enfrentados pelas democracias no mundo contemporâneo. Por um lado, serão aceitos artigos que estabeleçam alguma relação entre esses desafios atuais e temas clássicos tratados pela Teoria Política ao longo de sua história, como a tensão entre soberania (popular) e direitos humanos, ou temas clássicos do Pensamento Político Brasileiro, como os impasses da formação do Estado brasileiro e o patrimonialismo. Por outro lado, serão aceitos artigos que relacionem os desafios atuais das democracias a debates da Teoria Política Normativa contemporânea, como a tolerância esperada em relação a discursos de ódio ou antidemocráticos e a relação entre legitimidade democrática e justiça social.

Os artigos serão aceitos até 30/03/2021 pelo sistema on-line da Revista Leviathan. Além da chamada pública, o dossiê contará com artigos de professor/as convidado/as, entrevistas com pesquisadore/as  da área de Teoria Política e traduções realizadas pela equipe editorial.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.