New Issue - v. 37, n. 1 (2024)


The journal Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil) has just released a new issue with the theme: "Dialogue between Brazil and Portugal in Textual and Discourse Studies."

In this issue, 13 articles are gathered, focusing on the relationship between language, text, and discourse from various perspectives: Cognitive Linguistics, Textual Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Argumentation Theory, and Dialogical Theory.

The two opening texts of the issue are grounded in Conceptual Metaphor studies, within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. The issue continues with a set of four texts that, to a greater or lesser extent, are anchored in textual studies, either from the perspective of Textual Discourse Analysis or Textual Linguistics. Two of these articles delve into digital discursive practices, a subject that has gained much attention in the field. This is evident in three other articles that comprise the issue, as they present studies on the digital from the perspectives of Rhetoric, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Argumentation Theory. Argumentation serves as the point of articulation between the last text of the set and the following text, which theoretically examines the concept of argument. The three texts that conclude the issue are grounded, to varying degrees, in the dialogical perspective of language. The first article in this set establishes a connection with the previous set by focusing on one of the rhetorical proofs, ethos.

The issue was organized by the journal's editors, Paulo Roberto Gonçalves-Segundo (Editor-in-Chief) and Gabriel Isola-Lanzoni (Associate Editor).

We invite everyone to access the articles of the dossier, which are available at: