Satan, the pact and sacrifice in western literature


  • Lucas Mateocci Lopes Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



Literary tradition, Demonic pact, Sacrifice, René Girard, Faust


The demonic pact is an ancient theme within Western tradition, strongly present in its literature. It presents many variants, but associating it with the discussion of sacrifice, as studied by René Girard, may help to understand some of its aspects present since the Gospels to works from the faustian tradition. Some of these aspects are the level of reality of the existence of the devil, one’s damnation of its soul as a sacrifice for the pact, the sacrifice of innocents as part of the price to be paid for such sacrifice, and the relationship between pact, sacrifice and the structuring of social power. These questions are particularly complex in Goethe’s Faust, where we are able to see the trajectory of the character as a representation of reason in the West and the bet made on his soul as a reflection of his destinies.


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Author Biography

  • Lucas Mateocci Lopes, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

    Mestre em Letras pelo Programa de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da USP, com a pesquisa "Violência, sacrifício e poder - uma leitura girardiana de tendências da literatura ocidental". Pelo mesmo departamento, realiza doutorado com a supervisão do Prof. Dr. Marcus Mazzari.


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How to Cite

Lopes, L. M. (2019). Satan, the pact and sacrifice in western literature. Magma, 26(15), 133-149.