Education, Gender and Intersectionality in Augustinian literature.


  • Renata Cerqueira Barbosa Instituto Federal do Paraná



Education, Intersectionality, Augustinian literature


Intersectionality is a sociological concept that makes possible to deal with gender issues in a more comprehensive way by taking into consideration the social status and ethnicity in the constructing process of the female image. Therefore, it is an important concept both in the approaches related to gender studies in general and in this study in particular. This article aims to address the education of Roman women in their social context, taking into account the literary production of the moment, as well as the intertwining of discrimination factors. Here, the influence of literary circles on the publication of the elegiac works of a woman in particular will be analyzed: Sulpícia, “the Elegiac”.


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Author Biography

  • Renata Cerqueira Barbosa, Instituto Federal do Paraná

    Professora colaboradora no IFPR - Instituto Federal do Paraná/Ivaiporã.


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How to Cite

Education, Gender and Intersectionality in Augustinian literature. (2020). Mare Nostrum, 11(1), 235-257.