Television software studies: an extension to production studies




Software engineering process, project and people management, multiple screens, TV production practices, apps


This study briefly presents the potential need for developing an extension to Production Studies theory (titled here as Television Software Studies). Such extension encompasses processes related to management, integration and sync regarding development of software that should be executed by TV producers during TV shows production, so that, posteriorly, broadcasters can supply companion apps to sync ads between screens. We pointed that although such alternative complexifies TV production, it can also minimize the risk of audience’s distraction during multiple screen experience materialization, promoting a reduction in TV shows sponsorship


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo Marquioni, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná

    Professor of the Graduated Program in Communication and Languages at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Marquioni, C. E. (2020). Television software studies: an extension to production studies. MATRIZes, 14(1), 151-171.