Netflix originals and exclusively licensed titles in Brazilian catalog: a mapping producing countries




Netflix, streaming, cultural dependence, Latin America


The main goal of this study is to map the countries that produce the original and exclusive titles for the Netflix Brazilian catalog and to evaluate Latin America’s participation in this archive. The results indicate that Netflix is investing in the diversification of the producing countries, although this is not enough to contain the trend of the maintenance of Latin America’s cultural dependence in relation to the advance of the United States’ cultural productions. The transnational standard adopted by Netflix brings debates regarding the associated-dependent development, in which Latin American productions have grown, but associated with a mechanism that also benefits big American media companies.


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Author Biographies

  • Tomaz Affonso Penner, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Comunication Sciences of University of São Paulo.

  • Joseph Straubhaar, The University of Texas at Austin

    Amon G. Carter, Sr. Centennial Professor of Comunication in the School of Journalism The University of Texas at Austin.


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How to Cite

Penner, T. A., & Straubhaar, J. (2020). Netflix originals and exclusively licensed titles in Brazilian catalog: a mapping producing countries. MATRIZes, 14(1), 125-149.