Adaptation as expanded fiction in contemporary series




Adaptation, TV series, The haunting of Bly manor, created by Mike Flanagan


In this article, I discuss how contemporary serial fiction has led adaptation to another stage, no longer characterized by plot or characters condensation, but by the expansion of the fictional world. Based on the analysis of the series The haunting of Bly manor, created by Mike Flanagan from Henry James’ work The turn of the screw, I aim at understanding how expanded fiction democratizes the fictional population without breaking the intrigue thread, in dialogue with a contemporary sensibility and reception condition.


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Author Biography

  • Marcio Serelle, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

    Professor doutor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social, "Interações Midiáticas", da PUC Minas, com pós-doutorado na University of Queensland, Austrália. Pesquisador do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Serelle, M. (2023). Adaptation as expanded fiction in contemporary series. MATRIZes, 17(1), 21-36.