With the machines, towards the dialog


  • Fernando Resende Universidade Federal Fluminense




Keywords, image, techniques, communication, dialogue


The universe of technical images, contemplated by Vilém Flusser, is the one which the post-historic man – all of us – is part of. In such a place, we experience the world through the objects in which, in a given surface, points are added up with the intention of offering us images of the world we live in. In a spiral thought, the also called philosopher of the media, contributes to our understanding of complex issues and actions that lead us to the production of such objects. This review intends to throw light on what is presented as a possible dialogical communication project, putting in question, from the diagnosis and prognosis of Flusser, our nowadays crucial role: to build dialogues from and upon the surfaces.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Resende, Universidade Federal Fluminense
    Professor do Departamento de Estudos Culturais e Mídia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Autor do livro Textuações: ficção e fato no Novo Jornalismo de Tom Wolfe (SP: Annablume/Fapesp, 2002).





Book reviews

How to Cite

Resende, F. (2011). With the machines, towards the dialog. MATRIZes, 3(2), 239-242. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v3i2p239-242