Living as a Zombie in Media (is the Only Way to Survive)


  • Mark Deuze University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.



Teoria da mídia, teoria social, zumbis, materialismo, vitalismo, ontologia da mídia.


In this contribution, the argument is made that living in, rather than with, media not only turns us into zombies, but that such zombification provides us with adaptative advantages for survival in the 21st century. As (media) zombies, we would be better equipped to embrace collectivism over individualism; to be anti-hierarchical rather than organized top-down; and to engage our mutual (media) worlds with passion and fervor without necessarily having a specific plan or goal in mind. In the end, the future of humanity as media zombies comes down to the question: if this indeed is a zombie society, what would be the mediated equivalent be of chopping people's heads off? The answer can be found in practices such as hacking, the skillset of fandom, and in the morality of the collective.


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Author Biography

  • Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
    É professor de Media Studies na University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Também foi professor no departamento de Telecomunicações da Indiana University. Publicou sete livros, entre eles "Media Work" (Polity Press, 2007) e "Media Life" (Polity Press, 2012).






How to Cite

Deuze, M. (2013). Living as a Zombie in Media (is the Only Way to Survive). MATRIZes, 7(2), 113-129.