Brazilian health system analysis and application of Petri net


  • Alexandre Zamora Zerbini Denigres Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica
  • Eduardo Luiz Kose Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica



System analysis, process modeling, Petri net, brazilian health system


This study presents the modeling a analysis and application of the discrete event system in the brazilian health system, giving focus by using Petri net. After a brief explanation of the brazil ian health system, the structures that receives specifics inputs and outputs is explained which mark their roles in this sector. After that, concepts which will be use in this study are explained and presented for more comprehensive understanding by the reader. These concepts are applied in the brazilian health system by global and local ways for more simplicity to understand this scheme. Last but not least, analysis made in the whole system is discussed in comparison with the articles read and the notation used in classroom.


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