Post-processor for the finite macroelement model


  • Bruna Sayuri de Souza Suzuki Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica



Finite macroelements, C#, Post-processor


The design of flexible tubes and umbilical cables is a complex process. In order to make all the necessary validations, both global and internal mechanics must be taken into account. Although the model shows great advances, both the input and output of data are still made using text files and commercial tools, which make the process time-consuming and more susceptible to failure. To this end, pre and post-processing tools are proposed to make such a task simpler. This research deals specifically with the post-processing tool. The objective is to construct a tool using the C # language, integrated to the model, allowing the generation of tables and graphs that facilitate the understanding of the phenomenon. It looks for an intuitive tool that is easy to use.


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Documentação do Oxyplot. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 de de-zembro de 2017.




