Politics and paternity: a social issue staged in family


  • Mariana Rosell University of São Paulo




Brazilian dramaturgy, North American dramaturgy, Theater review, Political theater, Theater history


This article aims to understand the contribution that some plays - whose dramatic action centers on households - gave to the political, economical and social debate, considering the contexts they were produced and staged. Analyzing four plays, two Brazilian ones and two North American ones, we try to observe the similarities between these two dramaturgical traditions and to perceive a certain critics' tendency to, generally, empty the plays of its political thematic on behalf of characters individual psychology, setting what we might call the review policy.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Rosell, University of São Paulo
    Master student in Social History at the University of São Paulo.



How to Cite

Rosell, M. (2016). Politics and paternity: a social issue staged in family. Opiniães, 5(8), 94-108. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-8133.opiniaes.2016.118954