Brexit na perspectiva do Path Dependency


  • Giorgio Romano Schutte Universidade Federal do ABC



Brexit, Path Dependency, European integration, United Kingdom


This research analyzed Brexit in a historical perspective, focusing on the specific relation between continental Europe and the United Kingdom during the XX Century, with emphasis on the period after the Second World War. The concept of path dependency was used to explore the historical factors and decision taken in the past, which, although in different circumstances, still influence the present and are useful to understand the Brexit. The basic premises that will be presented is that the UK in fact never identified itself with the idea of Europe as developed by the Continental members. It always saw itself as a country with a different history and a different role in the world. When it got its membership, the country only entered with one leg, keeping the other always outside. This also reflects the different configuration of its economic structure, specifically with regard to agriculture. By this, although not at all inevitable, it will be defended that we are dealing with a very British phenomenon which had extremely little chance to be repeated by other countries of the European Union.


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Author Biography

  • Giorgio Romano Schutte, Universidade Federal do ABC
    Professor de Relações Internacionais da UFABC





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How to Cite

Schutte, G. R. (2017). Brexit na perspectiva do Path Dependency. Plural, 24(2), 114-113.