A tirania da maioria segundo J. S. Mill


  • Isabel de Almeida Brand Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas




liberty, John Stuart Mill, autonomy, democracy


Abstract: The article aims to discuss the arguments against the tyranny of the majority exposed in the book On Liberty (1859) by John Stuart Mill. First, we will investigate the harm principle, defended by Mill in his concept of liberty, according to which one can only interfere in the liberty of any individual to guarantee, individually or collectively, self-defense. Next, we will analyze the relationship between this principle and Mill's criticism of the tyranny of the majority. In this way, we will explore how the imposition of the majority rule on individualities is an obstacle to the development and liberty of human beings. In short, we intend to examine, from Mill's political thought, the extent to which government and civil society intervention, supported by the rule of the majority, affects individuals' freedom of choice and action.


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A tirania da maioria segundo J. S. Mill






How to Cite

Brand, I. de A. (2021). A tirania da maioria segundo J. S. Mill. Primeiros Escritos, 11(1), 41-52. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2594-5920.primeirosescritos.2020.178142